Monday, March 16, 2015

When I Love Myself I Change


My friend Jim has lost a multitude of pounds and made a lot of positive changes in his life this past year. I was so impressed that on our last visit I wanted to hear ALL about it. It turns out it was simple. Jim started loving himself.

Simply by having compassion and loving himself after trial, fail and retrial, Jim was able to change his whole life! WHAT A CONCEPT! Imagine what could happen if we gave ourselves the same courtesy that we extend to others. (At least to their faces!) 

After much deliberations, I've decided that (reunion or not,) I want what Jim's found! 

I want to learn to love myself. That is not something I've ever done before. I've spent a lifetime loving other people and hope to spend the rest of my life in the same way, but it's about time I add myself to the list .

To that end, I strapped on the fitbit gadget. (More about my adventures with that here!) I thought I'd just go about my normal activities and establish a baseline from which to move ahead. Reasonable - right? (NO! I was NOT procrastinating getting started! Why would you even think that?)

Immediately I ran into problems. I found the accountability too much and actually found myself doing MORE than usual to earn my first "badge."  The normal goal is 10,000 steps a day but like a Pavlovian pooch I decided I had to at least get to 5000 in order to earn the initial "gimme" credit. 

What does it say about me that I need to impress a rubber wristband with a chip inside it that's probably spying on me? I'll leave that to greater minds.

I did meet the 5000 step requirement, but not because I'd usually walk 5000 steps in a day. It was the pressure! That constant nagging of wanting that darned reward just wouldn't leave me alone!

Did I take the gadget to bed with me to monitor my sleep? NOPE. We'll see if that ever happens. If my mirror ever gives me reason to doubt how well I did or didn't sleep, I may reconsider.

I'm actually on day 4 today. I've beaten the 5000 each day and even passed 10,000 once and here's what I've found:

This LOVING MYSELF STUFF FEELS GOOD! Not getting fit to impress the reunion crowd turned out to be a great relief. Getting fit because I love myself to some degree now and want to expand that love is a much better place to come from.

AND: It's amazing how many steps a person can take in a day by just going about their daily activities and not being a slacker. (Slacker = "Honey, as long as you're headed out to the garage, will you take these recyclables with you?") 

I'm also finding that I'm sleeping better (according to the mirror at least.) I generally feel better about the fact that I'm doing something for myself. Looks like other people are having the same results! I came across an article today titled: 10,000 Steps A Day Changed My Life. 

No matter what the reason, getting fit just makes sense. It opens up everything to more enjoyment because of the expanded energy available.

Come On! Join me. It's always more fun doing it with someone who actually breathes! 


  1. Years and years ago, I read a book called The Solution - about weight loss. The premise is that when we love ourselves - as we are - then we can begin to get to where we want to be. Little things like shaving your legs, doing your hair...conveys a love for yourself that in turn can lead to healthier choices.

    1. How did you see my legs? I KNEW that Fitbit was secretly posting pics online! :)
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Time for all of us to try a little tenderness on ourselves!

  2. Self-compassion is the key to so many things. If we can't love ourselves, treat ourselves with kindness, it becomes very difficult to expect that of others and difficult to work towards other goals.
    And I have a love/hate thing with my FitBit, by the way. It's a good reminder...and it's ALWAYS there staring at me. :D Can't say I always hit that 10,000 mark - but being aware of how much I'm moving around or how much I'm asking the Hub to run the steps is a good thing all by itself.
    Great piece.

    1. Good thoughts Lisa! I've always "talked" the self compassion speak to others but somehow missed the implications for myself. DUH! It's feeling good to honor the body that's given so much to me over the years and finally talking back to the body shame tapes that play in my head.
      Fitbit is a stinker! It robbed me of all my grocery shopping steps yesterday because I was pushing a cart and my arm wasn't swinging!
