Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Mirror Mirror On The Wall...

 ...What the heck happened?

Yes, I actually had that sign above my bathroom mirror for a few months. Then one day, I decided it was NOT helpful and chucked it into the closet with the skinny jeans that were also not helpful! However -

Inertia has shifted! Instead of an object at rest that stays at rest, I've become an object in motion that's staying in motion. Who knew all I needed to drastically alter my behavior was constant accountability? ME! That's why I avoided it at all costs. Here's the part I HATE to admit: IT'S WORKING! I'm down 2.5 pounds so far (in under 2 weeks) and except for needing WD-40 injections (picture tin man here) into my complaining joints, it's becoming easier each day to clock more activity.

Still not tracking my sleep. A friend told me that when she started tracking her sleep and found out how lousy her sleep quality was that she felt more tired instantly. Knowing myself as I do, I dare not give my mind that kind of food for fodder. It'll have me walking into walls!

Lot's of strange things are afoot since falling in love with my fitbit. In the past week my television watching has dropped to dangerously low levels, I've clocked 25,000 steps in the last 2 days, (more steps than I'd guess I clocked in all of 2014,) my water consumption is at peak volume, (even though I forget to record it) and I'm eating "real" food instead of the imitation stuff that's marketed as the genuine article.

I haven't tried to give up TV. I've just been busy moving and doing moving things. Just plopping down to sit mindlessly isn't as appealing as it was when I was a stalactite.

A few of the other reunion goers have hopped on board and we're keeping each other honest. (As in, I "honestly" think it would be easier to make a "let"s all stay fat pact" than a "let"s all get fit pact" -  and why didn't I think of that sooner?)

I finally had to admit to myself today that this is about so much more than getting gorgeous for this reunion. (I could clock a million miles a day, be completely fit and STILL not look like I did in my teens. How horrible is THAT?) This is actually more about being around and able to attend the next reunion 10 years from now and still feel well enough to enjoy it.

So, all in all, coming up to the end of the first two weeks of this "loving myself" experiment, I have to say if feels pretty doggone good! Anyone else want to jump in the water with us? I promise not to post swimsuit pics online!


  1. You've inspired me to love myself more now.
    I hope you reach your goal. :)

    1. That-a- girl Lux! I think it's the beginning of loving everything more! Thanks for stopping by!
